2/27/2006 10:31:00 pm|W|P|bignoseduglyguy|W|P|Remember when you built your first web site? Remember how you thought it would be really cool to have all those images, blinking words and scrolling marquees? How you couldn't resist using all of the design elements provided in the web page builder you were using? I had completely forgotten just what the results of all that can look like until my friend Andy pointed folks to his own doctor's website. I laughed so hard the roofers working on our house came in to see what I was laughing at! Andy, I'd find another doctor.|W|P|114107956567802231|W|P|The best laugh I've had in ages|W|P|bignoseduglyguy@gmail.com2/26/2006 08:56:00 am|W|P|bignoseduglyguy|W|P|Bike Blog by Jim Doherty has a great story about a bike jump starting a Toyota car.|W|P|114094431537192980|W|P|Bike jump starts car|W|P|bignoseduglyguy@gmail.com2/04/2006 10:14:00 pm|W|P|bignoseduglyguy|W|P|I'm having a lazy Sunday morning, baking bread, reading RSS feeds, answering emails, listening to iTunes and playing with ecto, the Mac blogging client. As I was doing this Waiting In Vain from the album "Legend Remastered" by Bob Marley popped into my ears and completed my mood. Such a simple yet superb song.|W|P|113909148102372887|W|P|Summer Sunday morning|W|P|bignoseduglyguy@gmail.com2/01/2006 06:19:00 am|W|P|bignoseduglyguy|W|P|Play by dustball is a great piece of fun and well worth the 'load' wait.|W|P|113877476904575304|W|P|Have fun - Play|W|P|bignoseduglyguy@gmail.com